Alessandra Attianese

Born in Naples in 1966, she works in Milan. She teaches photography at ITSOS Albe Steiner, her favourite issues are related to communities, women, childhood and the territory. Among the most significant projects: the documentation of some editions of the Young Artists Biennale of Europe and the Mediterranean created for the Municipality of Milan; the images that gave life to the exhibition/conference: Women migrants in the metropolis. Spaces and times of material culture (1996); the report on the Hergla Film Meetings in Tunisia (2005). In 2011, she produced with Bruna Orlandi the exhibition Russia 1991. Another place, another time: a report on the collapse of the Soviet Union and documents for the University of New York the Archaeological Mission to Kinik Hoyuk, participating in the 2013 exhibition Italian Archaeological Research in Turkey in Istanbul. Recently she focused her research about associations and groups animating the multicultural life around Padova street in Milan.


CCCP | 1991

August 1991. Two years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, an attempted military coup takes place in the Soviet Union.

Tanks arrive in Moscow, barricades and the first deaths appear in the streets. News circulating confused and contradictory, everything appears in a light that seems strange and ambiguous even to me, a very young freelance:
the alleged kidnapping of Gorbachev and the sudden appearance on the fore of Boris Yeltsin look like pre-arranged parts of a script.

In order to reconstruct the fabric of an authentic, non-manipulated story,
I choose to be among the people, trying to grasp an unofficial truth in people’s faces and gestures.