Antonietta Corvetti

Born in Genova in 1964, she moved to Milan where she graduated from the CFP R. Bauer. Photojournalist, for about twenty years working for publishing, collaborates with major Italian publishers, is specialized in landscape photography, reportage, architecture, food, industrial photography. Passionate about travel and attentive to social policies, she has made several experiences in the field of volunteering in Africa. Today she collaborates with Portofranco, a study aid center for high school students. Collective exhibitions: Viaggio intorno alla mia camera alla Fondazione Giacomo Costa di Genova; Immagini di un territorio, Solidarietà e immagini al Centro Culturale B. Brecht di Milano, Paesaggi Urbani a Palazzo Ducale di Genova, Sguardi e Riflessi a Fotografia Festival Internazionale di Roma e a Corigliano Calabro Fotografia, a Photo Week di Milano. Personal: Scene di vita in Mali allaFondazione Giacomo Costa, Tracce e Spazi Dimenticati a Milano a Fabbrica del Vapore, both  in Milan. |. Instagram

Salin De Giraud Camargue

The wind brings with it the intense smell of salt, here everything is transformed, leaving free the imagination of wandering in an infinite time and the memory already elsewhere accompanies me in new spaces.